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About Eleanor Stoneham

Pilgrim, compulsive traveller, scientist, accountant, retired business woman, horticulturist, allotment enthusiast, farmer's daughter, verger, blogger, environmentalist and author. English born and bred but has lived in Australia, Canary Islands and the Netherlands. 

Has followed pilgrimages to Greece, the Holy Land, Caucasian Georgia, Durham and Greece and visited more than 30 countries and still counting. 

All this gives me a broad insight that I have been able to put to good use in my three published books to date, Healing This Wounded Earth: with Compassion, Spirit and the Power of Hope, Why Religions Work: God's Place in the World Today, (both giving timely and refreshing perspectives on the spiritual condition of our time), and The Day the World Went Black: A Spiritual Journey Through Depression.


Currently working on a book on The Beatitudes and a first novel.

Eleanor Stoneham

Portrait of Eleanor Stoneham by Richard Robertson Photography

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