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Why Religions Work: God's Place in the World Today

by Eleanor Stoneham


With religious tolerance and respect at the top of the agenda in today's world, Eleanor Stoneham's successful second book is timely. 


In this short and thoroughly accessible book the author rebukes militant atheists, defends all religions and offers a refreshingly new perspective on the spiritual condition of our time.


Available as paperback and kindle format at - or as paperback from other online retailers or from your own favourite book shop.


Latest 5* Amazon review

"...this book is lucid, well-researched, deeply-felt, humane, forward-looking, compassionate and helpful, and couched in an engaging and approachable style. It may even - depending on where you are in your thinking - change your ideas in a radical way. I have no hesitation in recommending it to the thoughtful reader in search of signposts."  April 2015

"Eleanor takes on the criticisms of the "new atheists" in this short and erudite book about the spiritual condition of our time... Eleanor is a voice of sanity in the frenzied debate generated by the passion of new atheism."
David Lorimer in Network Review, Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network


"(Eleanor Stoneham's) contribution is worthwhile, and Why Religions Work is an enjoyable and well written defence of religion in the modern era.....Her work shifts gears towards its conclusion. After setting out her defence of religion, (she) begins to articulate an agenda for the future, particularly drawing upon recent developments in science and areas of convergence with religion."
From a detailed review in the magazine OnReligion Summer 2013


A full review by Melanie Carroll is also available at goodbookreviews - "helping you choose Christian books". 


Full reviews and endorsements can be read here.

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